Senin, 23 Maret 2020

hospital reservation

Admission : good morning, with the Asih Abyakta Public Hospital can I help you?
Patient : I want to consult with you regarding my illness
Admission : Here we have some doctors there are general practitioners there are also specialists, whether you want to check with a general practitioner or a specialist
Patient : Just let the doctor know the details
Admission : Well, for a medical specialist, you can make an appointment with the doctor first. The treating doctor is Julian
Patient : I have to see the Doctor Julian in person or through you?
Admission : Can you pass me, Doctor Julian today there is no clock here, only tomorrow. Sir can come here again at 9 a.m. tomorrow. sorry Sir, have you been here before or is this your first time?
Patient : First time
Admission: If this is the first time, can I borrow the Identity card?
Patient : This is my Identity card
Admission : Thank you Sir, I will borrow it first for the photocopy, don't lose it. Please fill out this form
Patient : Alright
Admission : Thank you, Sir, for filling out the form. Please wait, I will input it first. This is the proof of registration, please take it to a specialist.

Patient : Excuse me, doc?
Julian : Yes please come in, with whose ?
Patient : With Mr X who made an appointment yesterday through one of the receptionist doctors
Julian : oh yes Mr, how can I help you?
Patient : So this is the dock, lately I have experienced a cough with shortness of breath and I'm also feeling feverish dock
Julian : Let me first check, OK, lately there are many infectious diseases like COVID 19. The symptoms are more or less the same as what mother said. If indeed the mother is stated positive the Mr will immediately be isolated according to medical instructions.
Patient : Alright doc
Julian : In accordance with the hospital and medical rules, we must isolate the Mr here for about 14 days if there is a change, both Mr can go home, but if the Mr condition worsens, we will immediately give more serious actions in the ICU. Please family to clean up the file that has been given.

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