Kamis, 26 Maret 2020

Procedure Text

Task English
·                 Procedure text is text that contains the objectives and steps to carry out an activity so that the activity will succeed. With the text of the procedure it is hoped that the Talk will help in detail How to do something. And it is hoped that if he talks about carrying out these activities, he will succeed in doing so with satisfying results.
·             Explanation text is text that explains the process of an event or describes a situation. The explanatory text describes a fact of events and scientific joy. Explanatory texts are not intended to enhance the reader's opinion, only to provide information.

3.        Procedure text  

How to make Traditional Ginger Drink / Wedang Ginger

Tools :

Cup / Glass 

Materials :

1.      Clean wash and Peel the ginger skin with a knife

2.      Slice the ginger and rub it flat using a knife.

3.      Boil water until boiling

4.      Put the ginger slices into the glass

5.      Add sugar to taste

6.      Pour boiling water into a glass

7.      Stir until mixed and ginger drink / Wedang Ginger ready to be enjoyed

4.         Exsplanation text 
General statement 
Wedang ginger is a traditional ginger sari drink dish from the regions of Central and East Java, Indonesia which is generally served warm or hot. Wedang ginger is also sometimes referred to as ginger tea, although it does not contain tea leaves. "Wedang" itself is a Javanese term meaning "hot drink". Even without caffeine, this drink is often served and enjoyed like tea. This drink is made from sliced ​​fresh ginger, brown sugar or rock sugar mixed into hot water. In addition to using fresh ginger, Indonesian people also use powdered ginger as a common ingredient in their traditional recipes. Sometimes spices such as pandan leaves, lemongrass stems, cloves and / or cinnamon are added to add flavor. Fresh milk or sweetened condensed milk can also be added.

Sequence of explanation

First prepare the tools and ingredients, then clean the ginger skin and thinly thin the ginger.

Heat the water to a boil while waiting for the water to prepare the glass and add the sliced ​​ginger and add sugar to taste

Finally stir until all the language is mixed and ready to be enjoyed

Senin, 23 Maret 2020

hospital reservation

Admission : good morning, with the Asih Abyakta Public Hospital can I help you?
Patient : I want to consult with you regarding my illness
Admission : Here we have some doctors there are general practitioners there are also specialists, whether you want to check with a general practitioner or a specialist
Patient : Just let the doctor know the details
Admission : Well, for a medical specialist, you can make an appointment with the doctor first. The treating doctor is Julian
Patient : I have to see the Doctor Julian in person or through you?
Admission : Can you pass me, Doctor Julian today there is no clock here, only tomorrow. Sir can come here again at 9 a.m. tomorrow. sorry Sir, have you been here before or is this your first time?
Patient : First time
Admission: If this is the first time, can I borrow the Identity card?
Patient : This is my Identity card
Admission : Thank you Sir, I will borrow it first for the photocopy, don't lose it. Please fill out this form
Patient : Alright
Admission : Thank you, Sir, for filling out the form. Please wait, I will input it first. This is the proof of registration, please take it to a specialist.

Patient : Excuse me, doc?
Julian : Yes please come in, with whose ?
Patient : With Mr X who made an appointment yesterday through one of the receptionist doctors
Julian : oh yes Mr, how can I help you?
Patient : So this is the dock, lately I have experienced a cough with shortness of breath and I'm also feeling feverish dock
Julian : Let me first check, OK, lately there are many infectious diseases like COVID 19. The symptoms are more or less the same as what mother said. If indeed the mother is stated positive the Mr will immediately be isolated according to medical instructions.
Patient : Alright doc
Julian : In accordance with the hospital and medical rules, we must isolate the Mr here for about 14 days if there is a change, both Mr can go home, but if the Mr condition worsens, we will immediately give more serious actions in the ICU. Please family to clean up the file that has been given.

Senin, 16 Maret 2020

Personal letter

Bulusari Raya 
Gempol Pasuruan 
Jawa timur

March 16 2020
My Dear Lovely Momo
Hello !

        How are you, dear? I know you are angry with me because I am writing to you after long time. Iam sorry, please forgive me. You know we are in Pasuruan right now. It so beautiful beyond imagination. So  beautiful beyond imagination. Now in Pasuruan many new spots for us to take photos with a very beautiful mountain scenery. We both love to take pictures I hope next year you can go back to Pasuruan, when you come back you will not regret seeing this nice sight. This place has been visited by many people who are excited to go to this place.

        I hope you soon graduate from your school there and return to kepasuruan soon, have a great day.

Lots of love
Dea Aviani


A whirlwind usually occurs during the transition of the dry season to the rainy season or commonly referred to as the transition season. A whirlwind moves with a very high speed of an average of 170 km / hour and with a duration of 5 minutes. There are many names for this whirlwind / high-speed and destructive wind like lysus / leysus, then in Sumatra people used to call this wind the Bahorok Wind. But the most famous is the designation of wind Tornado with speeds up to 320 km / hour and has a diameter of 500 meters.
Most whirlwinds have speeds ranging from 180 km / h, with diameters of about 75 meters or 250 feet. But there are several types of whirlwinds that can reach speeds of 480 km / h and have a diameter of more than 1.5 kilometers and move along 100 kilometers.

When hot and cold air meet, they will bump into each other and form a tornado. In addition, it can also be caused by strong rising air currents in the clouds. And when it hasn't rained, the water droplets and ice crystals are still blocked by air currents rising to the top of the clouds.
Then during the day, very hot temperatures are then followed by black clouds that collect as a result of solar radiation. Clouds grow verically then inside these clouds the turbulence of air currents rises and falls at high speed. Air currents that descend at high speed is then what is then blown to the surface of the earth suddenly and ravage whatever it passes.

There are several signs of a whirlwind that we can learn, including:

If on the previous day, the temperature is very hot during the day and very cold at night but it does not rain, it should be wary of strong winds.
Observe the surroundings like tree leaves, do they move quickly, usually it won't be long before the rain and strong winds will arrive,
The air is cold / silir and the sky is pitch black, cloudy, dark black, and the trees sway.

The impacts caused by the tornado events are diverse and destructive. Starting from damaged houses, bridges collapsed, people's gardens were damaged, material losses, the fall of building debris and rubbish that were carried very scattered, causing casualties. Therefore, a tornado becomes very frightening if it occurs because it causes very severe damage.

Cause and effect

Alcoholic drinking is very dangerous for our health. There are lot of problems caused by this dangerous fluid. First, it can cause a swell in our liver. This is because it can trigger the liver to work extra hard filtering the fluid in our body, so that, the liver becomes swollen because it contains so much fluid. Secondly, alcoholic drinking damages the human brain. It will decrease the function of alcohol addict’s brain, thereby increasing the risk of depression and frustration. If this happens, there will be a change in behavior on the alcoholic, even they can be mad. Then, alcohol also decreases the functions of our senses. One is our eye is  can be blind because of alcohol. In addition, this drink can also speed up menopause in women because it decreases the function of reproductive organs in women, so that they will get menopause sooner than the period in general. Last, it is also able to cause defects in the fetus. Alcohol that comes into the body of pregnant women also has an impact on their baby, so that they will be born with disabilities. Therefore, the circulation of alcoholic drinking is prohibited in Indonesia because it causes several dangerous diseases to the body.