Jumat, 09 Oktober 2020


Week 1

The reason I choose zero hunger is : 
because there are still many people outside who have difficulty eating, like beggars they have to go out and find food in unhealthy ways such as taking leftover food and picking up food in the trash. And one way that can overcome hunger is :
1. Provide the right nutrition
2. treat iron deficiency 
3. complete malnutrition

Week 2

love is more than what you feel each other.
love is being care and the greatest support, and not only promise vows to be forever but prove it too.

Week 3

Note: Don't forget to apply love wherever and whenever you are. Because love is everything and everything needs love.

Minggu, 20 September 2020

NatGeo Dea's Group (XII IBB)

 Video NatGeo: why people still ignoring the health care in new normal era. 


Sabtu, 18 April 2020

" LOVE " - English Task.

" Love All Creatures and World"

I used to like shopping at shopping centre’s like malls. I like shopping for clothes, bags, shoes and others. Every time i bought these items. I was given a plastic bag without realizing. I had made my earth dirty and damaged because of my doing. I have never brought a safer and healthier own shopping bag. I only received plastic bags given by the shop assistant.
buying something that uses plastic bags will cause pollution, one of which is soil pollution because the nature of the plastic it self is very difficult to decompose and requires a long time, it makes the plants or the ecosystem around the soil will be adversely affected.
Action now
From now, I want to shop environmentally friendly by replacing the use of plastic bags into environmentally friendly cloth bags. The use of this cloth bag can help the environment ecosystem to be healthy and clean. This cloth bag is also available in certain stores. If you don't want to buy it, you can also make it yourself at home because the tools and materials are easily found around the house.
I have stopped shopping for unnecessary necessities and I have also stopped not buying things with plastic bags to save the earth and the soil ecosystem from being polluted.
Action plan
I will protect my earth by not buying things that make my soil polluted and unhealthy by changing plastic bags into cloth bags. I will be selective in buying groceries.
1. I will learn to make my earth clean
2. I will learn to protect the environment so that it remains healthy
3. I will be selective in shopping

Kamis, 26 Maret 2020

Procedure Text

Task English
·                 Procedure text is text that contains the objectives and steps to carry out an activity so that the activity will succeed. With the text of the procedure it is hoped that the Talk will help in detail How to do something. And it is hoped that if he talks about carrying out these activities, he will succeed in doing so with satisfying results.
·             Explanation text is text that explains the process of an event or describes a situation. The explanatory text describes a fact of events and scientific joy. Explanatory texts are not intended to enhance the reader's opinion, only to provide information.

3.        Procedure text  

How to make Traditional Ginger Drink / Wedang Ginger

Tools :

Cup / Glass 

Materials :

1.      Clean wash and Peel the ginger skin with a knife

2.      Slice the ginger and rub it flat using a knife.

3.      Boil water until boiling

4.      Put the ginger slices into the glass

5.      Add sugar to taste

6.      Pour boiling water into a glass

7.      Stir until mixed and ginger drink / Wedang Ginger ready to be enjoyed

4.         Exsplanation text 
General statement 
Wedang ginger is a traditional ginger sari drink dish from the regions of Central and East Java, Indonesia which is generally served warm or hot. Wedang ginger is also sometimes referred to as ginger tea, although it does not contain tea leaves. "Wedang" itself is a Javanese term meaning "hot drink". Even without caffeine, this drink is often served and enjoyed like tea. This drink is made from sliced ​​fresh ginger, brown sugar or rock sugar mixed into hot water. In addition to using fresh ginger, Indonesian people also use powdered ginger as a common ingredient in their traditional recipes. Sometimes spices such as pandan leaves, lemongrass stems, cloves and / or cinnamon are added to add flavor. Fresh milk or sweetened condensed milk can also be added.

Sequence of explanation

First prepare the tools and ingredients, then clean the ginger skin and thinly thin the ginger.

Heat the water to a boil while waiting for the water to prepare the glass and add the sliced ​​ginger and add sugar to taste

Finally stir until all the language is mixed and ready to be enjoyed