Sabtu, 18 April 2020

" LOVE " - English Task.

" Love All Creatures and World"

I used to like shopping at shopping centre’s like malls. I like shopping for clothes, bags, shoes and others. Every time i bought these items. I was given a plastic bag without realizing. I had made my earth dirty and damaged because of my doing. I have never brought a safer and healthier own shopping bag. I only received plastic bags given by the shop assistant.
buying something that uses plastic bags will cause pollution, one of which is soil pollution because the nature of the plastic it self is very difficult to decompose and requires a long time, it makes the plants or the ecosystem around the soil will be adversely affected.
Action now
From now, I want to shop environmentally friendly by replacing the use of plastic bags into environmentally friendly cloth bags. The use of this cloth bag can help the environment ecosystem to be healthy and clean. This cloth bag is also available in certain stores. If you don't want to buy it, you can also make it yourself at home because the tools and materials are easily found around the house.
I have stopped shopping for unnecessary necessities and I have also stopped not buying things with plastic bags to save the earth and the soil ecosystem from being polluted.
Action plan
I will protect my earth by not buying things that make my soil polluted and unhealthy by changing plastic bags into cloth bags. I will be selective in buying groceries.
1. I will learn to make my earth clean
2. I will learn to protect the environment so that it remains healthy
3. I will be selective in shopping